Start your IT career at kood/Jõhvi or kood/Võru

Application period is open.

/ our graduates have secured jobs in companies like these:

kood/Jõhvi brings a new type of coding education to Estonia for the first time.

Be part of the movement where you future-proof your career through collaborative project-based learning. Learn the skills you need to begin your career as a software engineer.

Our 12-month programme will prepare you for the real world working environment. Coding is a skill that will give you endless opportunities.

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No Teachers

No teachers, students work collaboratively

No Classes

No courses. Only projects with levels of increasing difficulty

100% Coding

100% practical and project based

No Tuition Fees Upfront

Invest in your education now and contribute back once you land that well-paying job

To provide access to education regardless of the candidate’s background or financial situation, we have created flexible options to start learning at a //kood school and pay for your studies, either beforehand or after having started a well-paying job.

With the core program, you can become a full-stack developer within a year. The full package, which can be completed in 1-1.5 years, includes advanced modules and a specialization module. For those who already know how to code, there is also an option to complete only the specialization modules to strengthen their skills in a specific field.

The total cost of the programme is €4000.

Selection Sprint

During the intense 3-week Selection Sprint (2 weeks on-site, 1 week online) you will dive head first into the world of coding. Daily tasks, weekly exams and teamwork are all a part of your experience.

12-month programme

You will be a full stack developer with an extensive skill-set that will help you land a job after graduation.

Coding Fundamentals & Application Development

Core modules that will prepare you for a career in tech. Learn basic software, Java and JavaScript, browser development, client/server concepts, databases and more.

Specialist & Deep-Dive Modules

Choose between specialisation tracks (e.g., Generative AI, Machine Learning Operations, DevOps, Mobile, Cyber Security) and dive deeper into specific fields (Software testing, 3D & Animation, APIs, Blockchain and more).

How to apply

at kood/Jõhvi or kood/Võru

  1. Online Test

    The first step is open to everybody – you have to pass an Online Test that evaluates your logical thinking and problem solving skills.

  2. pre-Sprint Check-in

    You are invited to a webinar to help you prepare for the Sprint.

  3. Selection Sprint

    The 3-week intense (2 weeks on-site, 1 week online) Selection Sprint takes you on a crazy ride in the coding world.

  4. Start your study​

    You will be a part of the batch of students starting their 12-month coding journey in kood/Jõhvi!

  • SprintKJ (93)

Don’t wait any longer, apply now!

Next Selection Sprints:
21.04. – 09.05.2025
26.05. – 13.06.2025
28.07. – 15.08.2025

Extensive skill-set

After successful graduation from the programme, you’ll have acquired all needed skills to have a successful career in tech. Whether it’s in a corporate, startup or something else. The decision is up to you.

  • SprintKJ (134)

Strong network

We partner with different successful organizations that are all hands-on throughout the programme in order to support you on your learning curve. We will create opportunities to get together. Network with people from all kinds of industries!

  • KJstart (14)

No experience required

Coding skills should be accessible to everybody. If you are interested in coding and are ready for an intense period of studying, then apply now. No experience required, you simply have to be over 18.

  • SprintKJ (88)

Alumni Testimonials

  • Georgi Suikanen


    Georgi Suikanen (29) (1st batch)

    “I realised that what I was doing was not what I wanted to do for the next 40 years. I considered various routes until an…

    Read the full review

  • Kerli Zirk


    Kerli Zirk (28) (1st batch)

    “kood/Jõhvi was the best decision for continuing my education because, thanks to the skills acquired in the program, I quickly got a job as a…

    Read the full review

  • Viktor Veertee


    Viktor Veertee (30) (2nd batch)

    “Two years ago I was working on ships and had never programmed in my life. After completing the kood/Jõhvi programme, I started working in the…

    Read the full review

  • Gunta Kļava


    Gunta Kļava (21) (1st batch)

    “kood/Jõhvi gave me an amazing opportunity to study at my own pace and explore the tech world on my own through different learning modules. Now…

    Read the full review

  • Emil Värnomasing


    Emil Värnomasing (26) (1st batch)

    “kood/Jõhvi was the best experience in my life. First of all, the school taught me not to be afraid of the unknown and to learn…

    Read the full review