Co-working in partner offices / XRPLF
Since about half of the students in kood/Jõhvi have decided to complete the program remotely, our partners have come to the rescue! More and more partner companies are offering their office space to students who want to get together during the week and work on tasks together in real life!
Let’s introduce XRP Ledger Foundation with their awesome offices in Ülemiste City! The XRPL is an energy efficient, low cost decentralised blockchain and the Foundation is committed to working with educational institutes to provide support to the coders of today and the future. Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced nations and is at the forefront of cutting edge technology and that’s exactly why XRPLF decided to have an office in Tallinn and support Estonian initiatives e.g. kood/Jõhvi!
Niil Sepper really enjoys the opportunity
“The first thing I saw was a super-friendly woman who took us under her wing and showed us around the office. There was everything we could’ve asked for: open office space with comfortable chairs, conference room (soundproof!), couches but also a kitchen with free coffee!” says a student from the 1st batch, Niil Sepper, about his first-ever office visit. “We got together, worked on tasks but let’s be honest – when being together in real-life not that often then it’s hard to focus. We had so many other things to talk about! But that’s totally OK, the experience was worth it! Next time we can focus on school tasks.”

Overall Niil enjoyed working in our partner’s XRPLF office. He feels like this opportunity is extremely important for people who want to see a new environment or don’t have the opportunity to do focused work at home. “It was great to get together with other students but also share our journey to XRPLF employees during lunch. It was funny to see how amazed they were at all of the things we’re doing or have done already!”
Want to experience different companies and their environments? Apply to kood/Jõhvi and work together with our different partner companies for the next 2 years!