Student stories in local newspapers
kood/Jõhvi’s innovative approaches raises a lot of questions. This is why we have reached out to our first batch of students students to give more insight about their everyday life to different news outlets. This is also a great opportunity to learn media presence and other soft skills.
Daniel Gansen, first batch student from Pärnu, visited foundME radio: “kood/Jõhvi tudeng: õppetöö on üles ehitatud nagu arvutimäng.” (in Estonian)
There he talked about his tech-savy family and how it relates to his studies in kood/Jõhvi. He talks about the exciting way in which learning without a teacher is structured and whether such a model could be used more in education.

Kerli Zirk, first batch student from Viljandi, had an interview with Sakala newspaper: “Digitarkuse abil saab andmetest kuld, aga kullakaevuritest on suur põud.” (in Estonian)
Kerli talked about her current everyday life during studies and her previous background as a mechanic and travelling abroad. She also talked about women in tech and how she wants to break the male-dominated stereotype of working in IT.

Come to kood/Jõhvi to be much more than just a regular student!