2022 application period reached its end!
3413 people took the first step of the application period – the Online Test. A crazy amount of people want to take their first steps in the world of tech with kood/Jõhvi!

49% of the applicants are women, 48% are men and 3% have not specified their gender. Great to see so many women this year! Women in tech – let’s go!

All together 77 nationalities. People from all over the world took the Test and hopefully a lot of them make their way to Estonia. kood/Jõhvi has an international environment that is open to everyone!
Average age is 29, median age 28 – all age groups are represented quite evenly. The youngest test taker was 11 years old, the oldest 76!

What’s next? We have invited all the best applicants to a 3-week Selection Sprint. The 1st one was in April, the next 2 will be held this Summer. Keep an eye on our social media channels to be up-to-date with everyone!
From 2022 October we will start the new school year with up to 400 new students in our new building. Let’s see what the future holds!